On July 13, a groundbreaking workshop titled “How to Become a Friend with ChatGPT” was held at Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, marking a significant stride in AI integration within academic settings. This event was a collaborative effort between the Center for Information Technology Services and the Staff Development Centre, reflecting the university’s commitment to embracing cutting-edge technology. The workshop aimed to expose the functionalities and advantages of ChatGPT for the university’s community.
The session was tailored for academics, academic support staff, and postgraduate students, indicating a broad interest in leveraging AI for educational and research advancements. Mr. Prasad Shrimal, a Tech Lead at Tech Venture Global LLC, conducted the workshop, bringing his extensive expertise in technology and artificial intelligence to the forefront of this educational endeavor.
Participants were guided through practical applications, ethical considerations, and innovative ways to integrate ChatGPT into their academic and research work. This initiative by Rajarata University underscores its vision to foster a tech-savvy academic environment and equip its community with the skills needed to navigate the rapidly evolving digital landscape.