On April 4, 2024, a significant milestone was achieved as The Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (RUSL) inaugurated its innovative tree inventory system, revolutionizing how the campus manages its greenery. The event was graced by the presence of the Vice Chancellor alongside all the esteemed deans and directors, symbolizing the university’s commitment to environmental stewardship. Spearheaded by the Center for Information Technology Services, this project exemplifies the fusion of technology and sustainability. The system operates through QR code scanning, allowing for efficient tracking and management of every tree on campus. Each tree is assigned a unique QR code, enabling stakeholders to access comprehensive information about its species, age, health status, and maintenance requirements with a simple scan. This initiative not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the campus but also promotes ecological awareness and conservation efforts among students and faculty. The collaboration between academic leadership and technical expertise underscores RUSL’s dedication to innovation and holistic education. With this pioneering tree inventory system, RUSL sets a precedent for other educational institutions to embrace technology for environmental sustainability.